Janell's Blog

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Curious Samuel

Samuel said some pretty adorable things today:

1. He asked me when was he going to shed his little boy nails and get big boy nails just like his teeth.

2. It was raining on our way to church this morning and Samuel was wondering if the rain meant that God was dirty and needed a bath.

3. On our drive through the mountains today he said we needed to play I SPY because we could see so many colors outside since the day was so beautiful. Samuel and Ethan both Answer their own I SPY questions and it makes for a captivating drive.

Great Song

In Christ Alone
A Song by the NEWSBOYS

In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand

In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
‘Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live

There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt of life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life’s first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
‘til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Home Truths

"Home is the resort of love, of joy, of peace and plenty, where, supporting and supported, polished friends and dear relations mingle into bliss."
Thomas Guthrie

"To the little child, home is his world - he knows no other. The father's love, the mother's smile, the sister's embrace, the brother’s welcome, throw about his home a heavenly halo and make it as attractive to him as the home of angels. Home is the spot where a child pours out all his complaint and it is the grave of all his sorrows. Childhood has its sorrows and its grievances, but home is the place where these are soothed and banished by the sweet lullaby of a fond mother’s voice."
Gene Fedele

I felt I had to share this reading. I was so moved by what it said. It sums up the entire essence of what a home life really is and needs to be. A refuge, and a little sanctuary for our little one's to feel safe, loved, special, and learn about God's teaching. A place, that even if its location has changed, will always be there for our children no matter what circumstances they are experiencing at the time. A safe haven filled with unconditional love and free from judgment. My hope and prayer for my children is that they grow strong in the Lord and learn to show love and compassion. To be Godly men first and then I think everything else falls into place. What wonderfully sweet responsibility God has given us as parents. Parenting isn’t with out its hard ships, but we are made stronger parents because of it. I feel truly blessed and honored every time I hear my little one’s calling me mom.

I am always running around with my camera loaded to catch those special moments. Ethan had just had a bath and decided he needed another one and Samuel just woke up and gave his mom a big smile.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Bailey in contest

I submitted Bailey's cute picture today!Please go online and vote as many times as possible!!!!: )
update: based on 11 votes she has scored a 3.8 thank you and keep voting!!

Monday, April 24, 2006

What a wonderful Monday afternoon

We set off this afternoon in search of a great
hiking adventure and ended up at the new
fuddruckers in town instead.
Samuel was undecided when it came time to
pick out his free cookie. He was only allowed one cookie
and of course he wanted to try them all just like any other little boy.
Ethan and I were cuddling and watching Sam
work on the computer so I thought I would snap
a fun picture.
Ethan was tired and it was evident that he was
ready to get out of the bath. He hates his hands getting
crinkled and Samuel teasing him.
This afternoon Sam and I heard Samuel yelling
from the front yard. It turns out Samuel managed to get up
the tree but didn't know how to get down.
Daddy came to the rescue and saved him from a nasty fall.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Samuel's cute question

At breakfast early this morning Samuel asks me if chicken pox is when you have little tiny chickens that pop out all over your body. He then went on to tell me that it would be so gross to see them pop out. I explained to my little buddy that chicken pox looks like little warts all over your body. He then lifted up his shirt in a panic and said he must have them since he has one on his tummy. I guess I just didn't explain it well. But thank goodness he doesn't have chicken pox or mumps. When I was little I intentionally got the chicken pox from my little sister Vianca when she had them so I could miss school and boy was I miserable. Look at this picture. Don't you feel like this is how chickens are suposed look like. Walking through a field of flowers.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Garage sale update

Despite the Pouring rain we made $120.00.
I have neglected the boys all morning so I need to go make snacks, but I just thought I would share the great news!!!! We still have so much stuff left. Maybe we'll just have another garage sale next week. Samuel went around with a mason Jar collecting the earnings. Ethan went around asking our customers if they wanted to buy our JUNK. This is all JUNK he would say. Sam and I tried our best not to laugh.

Friday, April 21, 2006

My first item sold

I had left my garage door open all day since Sam and I were organizing for the big sale tomorrow. While I was serving supper I noticed an old lady walking around in my garage. I'm thinking what in the world, especially since I have never seen her before. Especially since the garage sale isn't till tomorrow. The minute she saw me staring at her she quit her rummaging and asked me how much I wanted for the small box of movies. I told her she could take the box for 6.00 dollars. Most of the movies were self help movies from the 80's anyway. She looked at me with a contemplating expression like $ 6.00 was too much. She then zips open her purple bright pink fanny pack and pays me. Her fanny was packed full with money all neatly organized. She asks me if i am holding out on her. If there is anything i am not showing till tomorrow. She was so bizarre!!!! As she drove off we noticed the back of her truck was full of junk. Sam and I came to the conclusion that she goes junking the day before to resale for her junk sale the next morning. The weather prediction for tomorrow is RAIN. I hope the weather man is wrong.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

School today

Samuel and I had a great time counting today. I took out a big bag of Q-tips and we grabbed a pile then guessed how many were in that pile. Samuel would then count them to see who came closer. He was so thrilled that he counted up to 120. He would get to 29 and say," guess what guys I think this is gonna be a hard one." He would give Sam and I a big smile then say, "I know -30." Home schooling has been so much fun. I think Samuel's favorite thing to do is read and his least favorite would have to be writing. He tells me his hand is going to fall off if he writes a lot.
Last night I watched the movie Kingdom of Heaven. I am a little behind on my movie watching, but I thought it was fabulous. I have come to realize I love epic drama. Tonight I put in the oven a party pack of Frozen chicken enchiladas over rice. I was a little tired to cook. A Party pack you say? Yup a party pack that feeds 10. Anyone with growing boys knows their appetite can be huge. These last few months ETHAN who was eating like a tiny little feather bird is now asking for seconds. He ate 3slices of pizza all by his little self the other day and he loves the pizza cold. Their tummy's so small and cute. Where does it all go? If i eat 3 slices of pizza i am feeling it well maybe not 3, but 5 for sure. Today was a little crazy. The boys seemed to be fighting all afternoon over toys, drinks, pop tarts etc. I just think it was one of those days. I also believe if i have to sit and watch Thomas the Tank Engine one more time I might just scream. It's pretty cute though when Ethan walks around the house chanting that he is a Thomas Expert. Watch out if you claim to be an expert too he will test you and ask you questions that only and Thomas expert would know. I resolved my display issue with the garage sale. My neighbor is lending me a huge fold out table. Last night we had a very big thunderstorm with lots of rain. I love rainy days. Nothing like the smell of a rainy day.
Are you a Thomas expert?
Take the test and find out!
Here are some questions that I have been asked by Ethan.

1. How many blue engines are there?
2. Who is Douglas brother?
3. James is what number engine?
4. Who is boss of the trains?
5. How many engines are green?
6. What are the names of the yellow engines?

I will post the results later.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Today's awsome sunset

Sam and I sat outside this afternoon and enjoyed watching the sunset, with Bailey barking at our heels, and the kids runing up and down the yard. What a wonderful reminder of how marvelous our creator is.
"Thank you Lord for saving my soul.
Thank you Lord for making me whole.
Thank you Lord for giving to me,
Thy great salvation so rich and free."
I love that song.

Preparation for the big garage sale

Today I spent most of the day pricing STUFF for the big neighborhood garage sale on Saturday. I feel I have so much stuff and only one little table to display it all. I need to come up with a remedy soon. If it means dragging my dining room table outside then so be it. I hope to sell enough items to buy a canopy for our back porch to replace the one the wind so easily took away. In the summertime Greer gets just as hot as Miami, and with the kids playing all day outside some shade is an absolute necessity. I have had a great time de-junking. While cleaning a storage box from my closet I found a plastic bag with all my hard sugar flowers that were on my bridal shower cake. I have also found roles of film that need developing and it will be exciting to see how far back they go. I found my shoes I wore on my wedding day and I was delighted to find my first Mother's day card from Sam and Samuel Allen. What wonderful little treasures. I also found a receipt for Ethan's first haircut. How cool is that! With my Mom's wonderfully numerous contributions to the garage sale, I feel I will have a great turn out on Saturday. On a side note, I finally got around to cutting Samuel Allen's long hair. He looks so cute and I get a better view of those thick leathery cheeks.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Picture journal of our week

Monday, April 10, 2006

Best Friends & Silly Faces

Ethan loves to sit and keep Samuel company during time out.
Samuel just asked me, " come on mom another burger please."
Samuel's creepy face.
Samuel's woe is me face.
Ethan's silly face.
Samuel playing king of the mountain with Bailey.

Ramblings from a woman in good old Greer-

As I am sitting here Blogging, Sam is putting the boy's in bed and all I can here are giggles from all three of them. I love that sound.
My mom just recently brought over to my house all the Barbie's my sister and I had when we were kids. I had forgotten how many little outfits I had for them. I was showing Sam my old Barbie’s and suddenly I could see his wheel's turning I just knew he had an idea (EBAY). Next thing you know Sam and I are trying to identify my old Barbie’s(with their hair just a little matted.) I look over at Sam and their he is sitting at our desk with 3 Barbie’s dolls in his lap and in the process of examining one's inner thigh for names, clues or anything that would deem them collectable (I just wish I had taken a picture.) He looked up at me and said," Don't speak a word of this to anyone." Ethan then walks in the room looks at Sam and says to me,“ Mommy why is Daddy playing with dollies." Well after being waste deep in Barbie clothes, boots and accessories it turns out that only the real collector years are from 1966 -1975. Of course all our Barbie’s we have identified so far are from 1976. One year later. What luck!!! Well on a different note, today was beautiful. The weather perfect and my morning even better. I just happened to be up at the crack of dawn as usual. Watching TV this morning I happened upon a wonderful old western B&W called "Gentle Annie." I love watching a good old classical film. To sum up the plot- Drifter girl played by star from “It's a Wonderful Life” ends up in this farm with a ma and two sons who Robs trains. Of course, drifter boy comes along who is an undercover sheriff and while trying to solve the train robbery he falls in love with drifter girl. Well drama at it's finest.
This last Friday was my little brother's birthday. Of course we had to have "PUBLIX CAKE " our favorite. We had a great time just hanging out at my house and eating pizza. Sam umpired games all weekend long -so first time we were able to see him was really today. He always has some wonderful stories to tell. I am so proud of him. He was asked to umpire for the Greenville Drive opening weekend, but he refused. All in good time. All in God's time. I hope you enjoy the pictures of my best buddies!!!I have finished writing and there are no more giggles coming from my room. The boys must be fast asleep with their daddy. I guess some coffee and movie will have to wait till tomorrow.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Oh So Funny

I stumbled across these pictures looking for pet meds. These dogs were in a contest for “cutest dog”- winner would receive $1,000. I know if my Bailey had been in the contest she would have won- but some of these dogs do deserve attention and are pretty cute. None of these dogs listed won the contest. I just want to know where I can get a princess outfit like that for Bailey.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Hello Gorgeous

Princess Bailey

Sleeping Angel's

A Drawing by Sam

This is a picture that Sam created on Illustrator of one of his favorite baseball players.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Flying a Kite

Today was a blustery day. A day right out of the pages of a “Winnie the Pooh Bear” book. The boys and I decided to try and fly our new kite today. The day was perfect, but the kite wasn't. The first time we managed to get the kite in the air it hit the neighbors house and ended up with a damaged wing. The look on the boys faces said it all. Mom if you don't get this kite in the air we will not be able to survive another day. Determined, I found a straight stick and taped the stick to the broken wing with electrical tape. I felt overjoyed as Samuel held onto one end of the kite and the wind started to lift it gracefully in the air. The gracefulness of the kite was short lived when it came crashing down. Sam had just come outside to join in the fun when he noticed the kite had flown it’s brief shining moment leaning completely on the right side. I thought, well lets put some more weight to make it even on the other side. Another stick and some tape and we were off and flying for about 3 seconds. The kite came nosing down in complete distress. I was going to fly this THING or else! The boys and I managed to find another stick of almost equal weight and attached it to the rear. I guess the stick in the rear was too heavy or maybe the whole thing was too heavy. We placed the kite to rest in the back yard and went in for a much needed lunch break. Looking through our window I was amused to see that the little fellow wanted to give it another go. I ran out with the boys and as the kite was preparing for take off ETHAN ran it over with his bike. So just as my hope had begun to diminish I spotted Samuel's tent in the garage and borrowed the poles and tried to start over. I strapped them on perfectly and we were off and running again. But this time it wasn't our fault the wind had now fully gone and came in short bursts. Maybe tomorrow we'll try again to fly our 6 foot kite we have dubbed “The Thing.” Maybe tomorrow I will have enough sense to wear gloves so I don't rip my hands to shreds with the nylon. Kite flying is no walk in the park. After what I experienced today it can get dangerous especially with all that nylon wanting to take on a life of it's own.
I would have displayed a picture of our kite, but I felt it would be to painful for the human eye.

Sam's Birthday

The Birthday boy started out by having a wonderful breakfast with none other than his two best friends- Samuel & Ethan. On the menu for breakfast - blueberry waffles. Later in the afternoon Sam left for some games in Easley and the boys and I started out for Wal-Mart to get supplies for his birthday party. We bought a wonderful cake (unfortunately it had the worst icing ever) and lots of balloons that my buddies helped me blow up to decorate the table. We made him some chicken parmesan with pasta for dinner, and (of course) waiting for him a whole pot of his favorite black coffee. I was sad when the present we ordered for him didn't arrive on time, but this morning during our Bible reading it came. What perfect timing- Sam and I have been reading through the Bible and find that there is so much more meaning behind certain words that we have not been able to fully grasp. So in the mail came Strong’s latest concordance and Vines expository dictionary of the Old and New Testament. Needless to say we thoroughly enjoyed our research time this morning. I am so excited for our reading time again tomorrow. Don't you just love learning? I am sponge for knowledge except when it comes to math. For some reason I can't absorb certain functions, and problem solving in the mathematical world no matter how hard I try. But why try when Sam can do all the math in his head for me . We rented some movies to watch on birthday night ( Inspector Gadget 2 & Zathura). The boys went to bed after supper and Sam and I sat on the couch to watch the first game of the MLB opening season. I was tired from a long day and I tried to cheer and watch for a while - but my eyes just wouldn't stay open.
Although Sam did flip between commercials to this great show on HGTV "History and Treasures found in Old homes."
One family discovered that their home once belonged to the infamous Pillsbury’s. Mrs. Pillsbury left a delightful journal behind cataloging all her life’s experiences. Another home owner found a letter from Abraham Lincoln in their attic.
Well here is a picture journal of Sam's Special Birthday day. I hope you enjoy the pictures and melt away with those sweet faces.

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