Janell's Blog

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Home Truths

"Home is the resort of love, of joy, of peace and plenty, where, supporting and supported, polished friends and dear relations mingle into bliss."
Thomas Guthrie

"To the little child, home is his world - he knows no other. The father's love, the mother's smile, the sister's embrace, the brother’s welcome, throw about his home a heavenly halo and make it as attractive to him as the home of angels. Home is the spot where a child pours out all his complaint and it is the grave of all his sorrows. Childhood has its sorrows and its grievances, but home is the place where these are soothed and banished by the sweet lullaby of a fond mother’s voice."
Gene Fedele

I felt I had to share this reading. I was so moved by what it said. It sums up the entire essence of what a home life really is and needs to be. A refuge, and a little sanctuary for our little one's to feel safe, loved, special, and learn about God's teaching. A place, that even if its location has changed, will always be there for our children no matter what circumstances they are experiencing at the time. A safe haven filled with unconditional love and free from judgment. My hope and prayer for my children is that they grow strong in the Lord and learn to show love and compassion. To be Godly men first and then I think everything else falls into place. What wonderfully sweet responsibility God has given us as parents. Parenting isn’t with out its hard ships, but we are made stronger parents because of it. I feel truly blessed and honored every time I hear my little one’s calling me mom.

I am always running around with my camera loaded to catch those special moments. Ethan had just had a bath and decided he needed another one and Samuel just woke up and gave his mom a big smile.


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