Janell's Blog

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Samuel and Ethan love playing daddy. They have diapers and clothes on their son's to keep them warm. I am asked allot throughout the day to nurse their son's while they go to work. Ethan goes to his cooker man store and Samuel is head chef. Yes, my boys love to cook. They watch iron chef and Dinner impossible with me frequently, and stay very entertained. I think they will both have a fabulous restaurant one day. Ethan really loved the episode that took place on a moving train (dinner impossible). We need to go on a train ride. Little boys and trains go together like peanut butter and jelly. Just like his Dad, Ethan would rather have Peanut butter toast for breakfast than eggs. Samuel, on the other hand: eggs, toast, cereal, and waffles would be on his plate all at the same time. Today i plan on de-cluttering. I feel like i just did this the other day. I feel so free when i know everything is in its place. Yes, I can be a neat freak- i admit it. Sometimes though this house is far from neat. I just got new glasses - finally. My eyes can breathe and see all at the same time. This is a new thing for me. I tend to wear my contact lenses day and night with no rest in between.
For this very reason the doctor told me my vision is much worse. Well I learned my lesson and contact overuse is bad for you (no duh). I knew that all along i was just stupid about it. I woke up this morning to allot of rain and thunder. I personally like rainy days- just not all the time. I like watching the river that flows through my neighbors back yard when it rains.
A thought for the day:
"Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended;but one thing I do,forgetting those things which are behind and reaching for those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 3:3-14
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Saturday, February 24, 2007

I just couldn't resist adding one more

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Lady in red... is dancing with me

Our sleeping Angel
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Looking good

Today I took the boys the get a haircut. Ethan was so thrilled. Just kidding! I think he was irritated at all the hair stuck to his neck. I cant get over how handsome they look. I love that i can see their cute little ears.
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If only time could stand still

Daddy's little girl

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Practicing parenthood

Uncle Daniel and Becca came to visit and practice changing diapers.
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

This Is For You Baby

Honey we can't wait to see you!

Miss you

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Our day off with Dad

Some pics of Our day off with dad. We did just what we said we would do; we drank Starbucks coffee and cruised around town. It was nice to get out of the house for a while. Vienna was probably wondering- what is going on. Her two older brothers took turns smothering her with kisses in her car seat. She was wide eyed most of the night staring and looking towards the different sounds she could hear. I was so delighted; i finally captured a picture of her big beautiful eyes. We had a lot of laughs fitting 3 car seats in the back of our Altima. Sam took us to get some lunch at O' Charley's I had a fabulous salad with lots of fresh strawberries and chicken ; it was so refreshing. The boys did a round of go carts at Frankie's, and we later cruised car lots to see what would best fit our family needs in the future. Eventually, we will need to get a bigger car, especially if we plan on having 20 more kids. :) Sam returns to Charlotte tomorrow, and i am already missing him. We joke around alot that we will have plenty of time to sit and talk when our hair is graced with a silver hue. For now, we enjoy the fast moving train ride. Many years from now when our hair is graced with a silver hue, we will reminisce of our train and all the great times we had.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

My Three Little Stars

Don't you just love digital photography. I had a moment today where i must have clicked 20 pictures in a matter of a few minutes. These are some pics of my moment of frenzy. What sweet little faces. This is truly an example of a proud mommy displaying her most priceless possessions. Of course this was the best part of my day.

Friday, February 09, 2007

The wonders of Breastmilk

I was searching out information on the Internet this morning for Vienna's cold. I was amazed by what i discovered. I found out that many mothers use a few drops of breast milk in each nostril of their baby to clear up congestion and disinfect. I tried it this morning and it seemed to do the trick. How amazing we are; we are God's perfect creation. I read that it is good to take warm baths and clap there backs as they breath in steam. I need to figure a way to do this without letting her cord get wet. Samuel woke up very chipper and Ethan seems to be in better spirits today. Here are a couple pics of our new addition.
Please keep in your prayers a couple that is facing a difficult time as we speak. I will not name the couple,but they do need prayer concerning their unborn child. The mommy is 34 weeks pregnant ( high risk with diabetes) and her baby was just found to be unresponsive. I hope that all who read will pray for this family who is facing such difficulty. They are in the hospital at this time in God's hands. There are reasons for all things that occur in this life. God gives us such encouraging words we can hold steadfast.
"Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them." - Matthew 18:19,20
He hears our prayers!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

My day

Today was a rather busy day. We are still fighting colds that linger.The Kleenex box has truly become our best friend. I think the hardest thing i am facing is taking care of Vienna with a cold. Please keep her in your prayers. There are moments that she is so stuffed up she can't breath; it scares me to see her trying to catch her breath. I am doing exactly what my doctor ordered. When she has a moment of difficulty, i grab the green aspirator, suck out all the phlegm, and clean her nose. I try to do it as little as possible because i don't want her to get a nose bleed. Sam bought her a humidifier which is running constantly with moist air to help with her cough. It's so scary when they are so little. She can't express to me her hurts and pains. The only comfortable position she seems to agree with is propped up on my chest. Ethan is doing much better today than yesterday. He slept the whole part of yesterday making last night a very long night with his daddy. Sam stayed up most of the night watching cartoons with Ethan and napping when he could. I guess its that time of year that our household is cursed with sickness. The same thing happened last year around this time. I am glad that i am okay and able to take care of my family. One day at a time. At the doctor visit i was informed Vienna gained 1 1/2 lbs. she is now 8.5. This news thrilled me.
At first i feared she wasn't getting enough breast milk. Today she didn't nurse as great as she should have but i know its because of the congestion.
Sam will be coming home soon and i can't wait to sit down and talk to him. At the end of the day ts nice to just relax and talk. We talk allot through out the day and today was such a torcher since my phone died and my charger would not charge the battery. We managed to keep each other informed today through emails. Its amazing how disconnected one( i mean I) feels with no phone. Today for lunch we ate a frozen meal that my friend and neighbor made for us. I am so thankful. I felt delighted i didn't have to cook with so much going on. I can't wait for all of us to get better so we can go on a family outing of 5. How awesome is that. I think we will all fit in the car snugly of course. Sam's window doesn't work on his car so he drives mine till we can get it fixed. The day that the snow storm came we forgot to put a cover on it and the car was full of snow inside and out. It was upstate snow of course mostly wet and gross. Why can't we ever get big fluffy chunks like up north. I hope to see them here one day. I remember our first year of marriage we had a great snowfall in 2000. Well on our outing of 5 we will visit the park and indulge the kids with ice cream as Sam and I sip on some Starbucks caramel delights.
Till then i will thoroughly enjoy my Maxwell house spiced up with evaporated milk and lots of sugar. I realized that by adding lots of evaporated milk instead of half and half the coffee has a Dulce leche taste to it. This of course is delicious, fattening, and a much needed indulgence in order to get the day started.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Our Pink Princess

Vienna Josephine is sleeping quietly through all the noise and loud rucous of the day. Both of her brothers are sick with a bad cold. This awful cold is making it hard for the cuddle sessions they have longed for with their little sister. Samuel is doing much better. We have a full day now with no fever and are rejoicing; he is now on antibiotics. Ethan sits to watch movies; he is waiting for his mommy to cuddle and comfort him after nursing his sister. The day is very cold outside, but we are warm and cozy inside- never letting the thermostat get below 70 degrees. Sleep will come in a few months time; yes, i still have my 2 cups of coffee every morning. My mom is still with me; she is nursing the boys back to health, cleaning and cooking great meals. She leaves tomorrow, and I hope i don't cry. I will miss not having her around. My daily routine is feed Vienna, change diapers and put a new outfit on her every time she soils it. I AM LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!!! I FEEL SO BLESSED TO HAVE MY 3 CHILDREN!
Amazingly, I have actually done 2 loads of baby clothes already in the last week. Tomorrow we visit the doctor for the first time; I have a few samples of questionable things to show him. For starters, as a concerned mom, i have to show him her boogers which were clear and now have a nasty green color. Her first spit up at home was brown and yellow; i have placed that in a bag for questioning too. She doesn't feel warm, but she occasionally has a little coughing attack followed by sneezes. All these are concerning things a mother has to reveal.
On a different note my sweetheart finished building her dresser this morning. I can't wait to tidy her room today and put all her clothes in her drawers. I love how her daddy looks at her. He is a man in love. He is already joking about the rules we must put in place for her :). Super bowl Sunday was quiet and I found the half time show so boring. Of all the people to do a half time show why Prince? Why! This week we sign the boys up for soccer and baseball and they can't wait for the spring season to begin. You know you love being a mom when you look forward to sitting in lawn chair for hours, sometimes freezing, sometimes hot, watching your kids do something they love.

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