Janell's Blog

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Little boys in the kitchen

Samuel decided he was very hungry and he wanted to make a sandwich. He put together an array of turkey, shredded cheese stick and lots of mustard. He was so proud of his wonderful creation that he stared at it for several minutes upon completion .
I stared at him putting together this sandwich without my permission, but definitely with my acceptance. He carefully cut his sandwich with a butter knife. He noticed me staring at him with a smile and immediately offered to make me one of his delicious sandwiches. I gratefully declined. Once Ethan learned that Samuel had made his own sandwich he wanted to make one also. With moms assistance he made a mustard sandwich. I offered him turkey & cheese, but he insisted only on the mustard. He folded his sandwich in half and gifted it to me.I was very thankful and ate it in secret as one can only do when its a mustard sandwich.
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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Painting at its best !

Ethan and Vienna painting Patrick.
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