Janell's Blog

Thursday, February 08, 2007

My day

Today was a rather busy day. We are still fighting colds that linger.The Kleenex box has truly become our best friend. I think the hardest thing i am facing is taking care of Vienna with a cold. Please keep her in your prayers. There are moments that she is so stuffed up she can't breath; it scares me to see her trying to catch her breath. I am doing exactly what my doctor ordered. When she has a moment of difficulty, i grab the green aspirator, suck out all the phlegm, and clean her nose. I try to do it as little as possible because i don't want her to get a nose bleed. Sam bought her a humidifier which is running constantly with moist air to help with her cough. It's so scary when they are so little. She can't express to me her hurts and pains. The only comfortable position she seems to agree with is propped up on my chest. Ethan is doing much better today than yesterday. He slept the whole part of yesterday making last night a very long night with his daddy. Sam stayed up most of the night watching cartoons with Ethan and napping when he could. I guess its that time of year that our household is cursed with sickness. The same thing happened last year around this time. I am glad that i am okay and able to take care of my family. One day at a time. At the doctor visit i was informed Vienna gained 1 1/2 lbs. she is now 8.5. This news thrilled me.
At first i feared she wasn't getting enough breast milk. Today she didn't nurse as great as she should have but i know its because of the congestion.
Sam will be coming home soon and i can't wait to sit down and talk to him. At the end of the day ts nice to just relax and talk. We talk allot through out the day and today was such a torcher since my phone died and my charger would not charge the battery. We managed to keep each other informed today through emails. Its amazing how disconnected one( i mean I) feels with no phone. Today for lunch we ate a frozen meal that my friend and neighbor made for us. I am so thankful. I felt delighted i didn't have to cook with so much going on. I can't wait for all of us to get better so we can go on a family outing of 5. How awesome is that. I think we will all fit in the car snugly of course. Sam's window doesn't work on his car so he drives mine till we can get it fixed. The day that the snow storm came we forgot to put a cover on it and the car was full of snow inside and out. It was upstate snow of course mostly wet and gross. Why can't we ever get big fluffy chunks like up north. I hope to see them here one day. I remember our first year of marriage we had a great snowfall in 2000. Well on our outing of 5 we will visit the park and indulge the kids with ice cream as Sam and I sip on some Starbucks caramel delights.
Till then i will thoroughly enjoy my Maxwell house spiced up with evaporated milk and lots of sugar. I realized that by adding lots of evaporated milk instead of half and half the coffee has a Dulce leche taste to it. This of course is delicious, fattening, and a much needed indulgence in order to get the day started.


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