Janell's Blog

Friday, June 30, 2006

The New Greenville

Greenville has really come a long way. The recent addition of it's suspension bridge is truly exhilarating. I decided to take the boys to see the fabulous changes downtown the other day and I left very impressed. The shops are really flourishing. The West End is re-vamped and looks so manicured and pristine. The gardens are in full bloom and make for a delightful afternoon walk. The trip is quite far for us living in good ol' Greer, but worthwhile. The city is truly making an effort to use its natural resources and expand. The Reedy River area has many swings to sit, relax and enjoy the falls. When we visited i couldn’t believe the amount of young people swimming and actually sliding down the lower part of the falls. It was truly interesting. I remember visiting Reedy River Falls before construction began and I always had to be careful and look behind my back to make sure i was safe. It just seemed to desolate before. We waded our feet in the cool refreshing water and ate ice cream with lots of sprinkles in a near by store called "Spill the Beans." Many pet owners were on walks with their dogs and young couples were perched at the top of the falls staring into each others eyes. Joggers were all over the streets and brand new tall glass buildings stared at us from above. Everywhere I walked I felt safe. We had such a wonderful afternoon.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Vacation Bible school " Welcome to the Artic Edge"

The boys had so much fun at vacation Bible school.
The main theme song started like this,

Welcome to the Artic Edge ( Action: screamed really loud with both hands high in the air)
where adventure meets courage... Artic edge ( in a low whisper) etc..

We finished 3 weeks ago, but I thought I would post the pictures of the wonderful things they made. Samuel learned a lot of songs about Jesus and Ethan didn't want to leave when it was over. The boys made new friends and ate lots of candies and punch. The teachers were very enthusiastic with their antler head gear and blue t-shirts. You can't tell from the pictures, but Ethan is wearing really big antler head gear.
Samuel will be going to Church day camp in July and can't wait.

How amazing is our God!!

I was on the internet seaching for pictures taken of babies while in their mommies tummys and I came across this picture. I remember seeing this picture a few years back and thought wow how wonderful is our creator. The little boy is named Samuel and he is now 3 and half years old. This picture still moves me so much. How could anyone call a baby a fetus. How could anyone say that this child isn't a human being.
How amazing it must have been for the doctor who experienced this child reaching out to grab his hand!!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Rebecca will you marry me?

My beautiful sister Rebecca Michaal Meffen has agreed to marry the wonderful and very special young man Daniel Day. He proposed to her this weekend in Sanabel. I want to wish you both a wonderful congratulations from the top of my heart. The proposal was a spectacular surprise for my sister. Daniel serenaded her on the beach with his guitar. Once becca realized the words to his serenade, she blushed with happiness. Truth be told, when Daniel placed the half carat round diamond ring on becca's delicate fingers she thought it was a fake and asked," Is this real?" Daniel is constantly playing jokes on us all, but that's why we adore him. He is witty, full of joy and loves children. After her exciting moment she rushed back to the condo expecting to surprise the family only to find out everyone was waiting anxiously with their flashing bulbs behind the door (Daniel's Family was there to enjoy the moment as well).
I Know that they both love each other very much and first and foremost I know that God is the center of their lives. Daniel comes from a wonderful christian family whom we all have come to love very much. Rebecca has finished high school and will be starting her second year of college this fall. She will be majoring in nutrition and music. Daniel is in his sophmore year at Appalachian State University studying Business and Ministry with the aspiration to Pastor his own church one day.
The wedding will be set on a beautiful summer day in the year 2007 and the wonderful couple will both be attending Appalachian State in the fall of 2007. I am so thrilled and happy for my becca. I love her so much and I know that she is truly happy. I know that she will be such a gorgeous bride.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Summer days

Ethan loved his goggles so much he never took them off
till it was time to come inside. He's little but he sure is a daredevil.
Why not add some bubble bath fun to a great outdoor day.
EThan was playing with neighbor friend Aiden who loves
everything wet.
Samuel got a little chilly after the sun went down,but the fun must go on.
On your mark... get set... go!!!

Friday, June 16, 2006

And yet another cuddly moment

Another wonderful cuddly moment. This picture was taken a while ago after a long day of fishing and a great hardy meal. Notice the evidence of that great meal on Ethan’s delicious cheekys. Ethan woke up if I remember right with Samuels drool plastered on his face.

Its a beautiful thing when little wheels turn

We went for a drive the other day to get out of the house for a while. On our drive we passed a movie store called Hollywood movie. Samuel sees the store and blurts out, " mom if you take away the H and put a D it would be Dollywood." The moment was so exciting. His wheels are constantly turning. Not that he is obsessed with Dollywood, but I have noticed that everywhere we go he is trying to read restaurant signs, building logos, and billboards. I think as a home schooling mom it is thrilling to know that just an ordinary day to the store can be a learning experience.

On a different note, I had to go to the doctor today to get a muscle relaxant and anti-inflammatory for my jaw. My TMJ has flared up and my episodes are most painful. Anyone with TMJ knows that not being able to relax your jaw is painful and leads to horrible ear aches and headaches. There is no known reason for the episodes, it just happens. Chewing gum is a big big no no and ice can only do so much. I hope my boys never experience this because it is most dreadful.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Feeling the affects!

I was at the grocery store and on our way out staring us in the face is 3 tall delicious soda pop machines ( I never buy soft drinks since my teeth are so damaged because of them). The day was hot and sticky so the soda pop machine looked so good. The previous day I had dreams of swimming in a huge pool (cool and refreshing) surrounded by ice cold floating cans of coke. I think most pregnant women have that dream. Well the minute the boys spot the machine they are begging for some sprite. I dig in my purse and find only 4 quarters. I immediately put the quarters into the machine and punch Pepsi. Samuel and Ethan look at me puzzled since i usually let them punch the button. The boys act so upset since i didn't let them choose. Samuel then grabs the Pepsi out of the dispenser and with a
huge smile on his face he says, " Mom... your going to actually let us get hyper, cool mom." I just laughed. Kids say the cutest things. In my selfish quest for refreshment i made the worst decision ever. They consumed the majority of the Pepsi for me; they reluctantly allowed me a few sips in between. I then proceeded to drop them off at vacation Bible school(hee hee hee). I was Thinking they would get tuckered out and my error of judgment wouldn't haunt me when they got home. I was wrong. Ethan stayed up till 1:00 am and Samuel fell asleep around 11:00pm. Caffeine goes a long way in the body of a little one.
Well this morning is the first time i felt true morning sickness. I woke up and showered to start my day and Sam was already making breakfast for the Samuel and Ethan. He made a delicious breakfast of cheesy eggs and sausage (that i would have eaten on any non-pregnant day), but today the smell of it just made me feel so sick. I ran out the back door and sat down waiting for the smell of meat to leave the house. Of course the hole house smelled of breakfast for along time. But 20 minutes later a tall glass of water and a frozen peach and i was relieved a little.
The Doctor told me i seem to be in perfect health after all my results came back from my physical. Sam seems to be affected by this pregnancy as well. All he wants to do is eat Watermelon. He bought a whole watermelon yesterday and consumed more than half of it by himself. He says that he has the refreshing itch just like me.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Baseball smiles "Take me out to the ball game"

"This song was written in 1908 by a man named Jack Norworth. One day when he was riding a New York City subway train, he spotted a sign that said "Ballgame Today at the Polo Grounds." Some baseball-related lyrics popped into his head, that were later set to some music by Albert Von Tilzer, to become the well known baseball song, "Take Me Out To The Ballgame." Despite the fact that neither Norworth or Tilzer had ever been to a baseball game at the time the song was written, it is one of the most widely sung songs in America." NIEHS website
(1927 version)

Nelly Kelly loved baseball games,
Knew the players, knew all their names,
You could see her there ev'ry day,
Shout "Hurray" when they'd play.
Her boy friend by the name of Joe
Said, "To Coney Isle, dear, let's go,"
Then Nelly started to fret and pout,
And to him I heard her shout.

"Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack,
I don't care if I never get back,
Let me root, root, root for the home team,
If they don't win it's a shame.
For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out,
At the old ball game."

Nelly Kelly was sure some fan,
She would root just like any man,
Told the umpire he was wrong,
All along, good and strong.
When the score was just two to two,
Nelly Kelly knew what to do,
Just to cheer up the boys she knew,
She made the game sing this song.

"Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack,
I don't care if I never get back,
Let me root, root, root for the home team,
If they don't win it's a shame.
For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out,
At the old ball game."

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Guess what everybody!!!

I 'm going to have another Baby!!!!

We couldn't be more excited about our news. I do feel a little out-numbered at times, but boy or girl we can't wait. So I thought I would share this wonderful news with all my family. I am 5 weeks pregnant and today I have scheduled my first prenatal visit. A pregnancy due date calender
online gave me a estimated due date of February the 8 th of next year. A wonderful time to deliver. The temperature not hot and just right. Sam and I have truly wanted another baby and the timing would have been sooner, but I just couldn't get pregnant. So we are thankful to have another cuddle buddy in our family. I know that our baby will be loved beyond measure and will be raised to love the Lord.

Monday, June 05, 2006


I love fishing!! When I was little my dad would take me fishing all the time. There is nothing like fixing up your own rod, placing bait on the hook and catching a fish. One day I will be able to teach my boys how to dive and spear, but all in good time. I love Samuel’s spirit. He is so ready to learn and his excitement in helping Ethan with the little things brings a big smile to my heart. I have to thank my parents for showing me such a great love for the outdoors.
This weekend I decided to show Samuel how to fish with his first fishing rod (which happens to be an ultra blue batman rod that can be found my favorite store: Wal-Mart.) I highly recommend it for first timers. The handle is rubber and lets little fingers get a really great grip. The release button for casting is completely fool proof. I have to say after this weekend Samuel was baiting his rod and casting beautifully. Ethan also had great time fetching us the worms and keeping Bailey are ferocious dog protector entertained. She really has turned out to be wonderful dog. Except for the howling and the incessant barking we love her to death. Sam was packed out with games all weekend and unfortunately a few got rained out.
Today is a beautifully hot day and with our AC giving us some problems downstairs I think we will be walking around with spray bottles and tank tops.

Popcorn never tasted so good!!!

Do you love popcorn? YES?
As we all know, popcorn comes in many tastes, flavors and textures. One of my favorite types of flavored popcorn is caramel. My sweet tooth always gets the better of me. It's no surprise that on any given day, during the holidays, tins of delicious popcorn can be found lined up and ready to be consumed.
I think the most important aspect of popcorn should be a popped kernel full of FRESH flavor. Samuel and Ethan were begging me for a popcorn maker after sampling Mimas, so Mima granted their wish. We now eat fresh popcorn all the time and flavor it up to fit the mood of our day. The boys love the fact that they can make popcorn with little or no help from mom. The kernels are pourned into the top of the popcorn maker. The result is fabulous popcorn with no preservatives.


Saturday, June 03, 2006

My beautiful bright eyed boys

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