Janell's Blog

Friday, June 16, 2006

Its a beautiful thing when little wheels turn

We went for a drive the other day to get out of the house for a while. On our drive we passed a movie store called Hollywood movie. Samuel sees the store and blurts out, " mom if you take away the H and put a D it would be Dollywood." The moment was so exciting. His wheels are constantly turning. Not that he is obsessed with Dollywood, but I have noticed that everywhere we go he is trying to read restaurant signs, building logos, and billboards. I think as a home schooling mom it is thrilling to know that just an ordinary day to the store can be a learning experience.

On a different note, I had to go to the doctor today to get a muscle relaxant and anti-inflammatory for my jaw. My TMJ has flared up and my episodes are most painful. Anyone with TMJ knows that not being able to relax your jaw is painful and leads to horrible ear aches and headaches. There is no known reason for the episodes, it just happens. Chewing gum is a big big no no and ice can only do so much. I hope my boys never experience this because it is most dreadful.


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