Janell's Blog

Monday, April 30, 2007

Go Padres!

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Monday, April 23, 2007

A Pink car seat- What more could you ask for.

I just purchased this new car seat for Vienna. She had been using Samuel's infant car seat. It conveniently died on me upon entering the Target shopping center. The plastic hook took its last breath. I did get a lot of use out of the old car seat. A lot of great memories.
The sentimental thought that all my babies came home in it makes me cry.
I am so amazed at how sturdy the Britax car seat is. It does not budge. It has reclining positions so she will be able to rest comfortably and extra padding for her head and shoulders. I love that its PINK and so dainty. The extra safety features are a plus. It cost more than the average, but i am more comfortable knowing she will be safe in case of an accident. She can use it till she is almost 50 pounds and that is one feature that sold me right away. Did i mention its PINK. :) I am going to go to the firehouse on Thursday to make sure i installed it properly.

Vienna has discovered her little hands
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Don't Talk to Strangers!

On Friday we went to the mall for a safety class (protecting our brains-and eating right). My neighbor came with me and we had our hands very full: 6 kittys all together. The rule: every one should hold hands- lasted about 5 minutes and the boys were all running in opposite directions. We went to all the booths and collected papers that sadly went straight to the trash after we got home. The boys were able to touch a fake brain which was really quite gross. The brain booth illustrated how helpless and gooey our heads are with out the protection of a helmet. They sure did scare me into understanding the importance of a helmet. The boys also had the opportunity to grocery shop and see what healthy choices they would make. An evaluator would then unload their little carts and grade them on their choices. Samuel seemed to make all the right choices and Ethan (my sweet tooth baby) didn't do so bad either. As a reward for their effort the boys were given a Go Tart " A very healthy choice." hm mm. When it was the boys turn to talk to the police officer i gulped. I thought for sure they would say something bizarre or embarrassing. Yet haven't we all been there and done that. Kids say the darnedest things. Samuel asked the police officer for his autograph which in turn he responded with a tender and proud look on his face. The Police officer did ask Samuel to point out what type of car seat he uses. Samuel Smiled, looked at me and said, "i never sit in a car seat." I just thought oh boy i am going to get a scolding. As it turns out the police officer did a seat test with Samuel and determined he was ready to sit in a car with out a booster. I sighed with relief as he gave me the thumbs up. I thought there was a small chance Samuel still had to be in a booster. I have not used the booster since Vienna was born because the three car seats just did not fit.

I think we need to go over more safety issues. At another exhibit there was police officer asking kids what to do if a stranger approaches them in different situations and my boys failed that test big time. Ethan said he would help the old man find his doggy. Samuel said he would give someone directions if they were lost. Forget the Candy question - My boys both raised their hands. I thought to myself- have i failed as a mom? Is this what my kids would really do if a stranger approached? How many times have i had THAT conversation with them. I guess not enough.

After the exhibits i took my wedding rings to the jewelry store for repair. I was so excited. It has been at least 3 years since i have been able to wear them. They will be ready next Saturday and i can't wait to make that trip to the mall. All in all we had a great day. As we were leaving the mall Samuel got separated from me and i just freaked. I found him in ladies wear. He forked around the cosmetic counter and headed the wrong way. He looked at me with such relief when i found him. I could hear fear in his little voice as he called out mommy mommy. This happened in a matter of seconds. I think i will have to get a stroller that seats three to avoid any of us separating.

On a different note Vienna decided to empty her bowels during the officers speech and boy was it noisy. She hadn't gone in a few days and her outfit displayed the evidence thoroughly. The day was fun but very tiring. We headed home with miniature flashlights-band aid holders-brain erasers- edible goldfish and Polaroid pictures we took with safety bear.

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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Picture Day!

Today was picture day!! Our morning started out very crazy, but all the while we had fun. I set my alarm(my phone) the night before to wake up on time for pictures at 9:00a.m. I woke up this morning and realized that my cell phone had died in the middle of the night. I was devastated when i saw the clock in my room flashing 10:00a.m. I felt so bad. I immediately thought i had missed Samuel and Ethan's picture day. I looked next to me and Vienna and the boys were sound asleep. As i hung my head low i heard the sweet sound of chirping birdies. I suddenly realized those birds don't chirp unless its before 8:00 a.m. Sure enough -i ran downstairs and the clock said 7:47a.m. I need to get a functional clock upstairs. I plop with relief back under my cuddly covers with the warmth of my babies and the gentle sound of their breathing. Due to my scenario I couldn't resist closing my eyes to take a small cat nap. Just a few more minutes of rest i told myself - It's Saturday. I arose to realize my little cat nap was a little too long. The clock was flashing 8:30 am. I had half an hour to get Vienna out of her PJ's- with butt washed and the boys all dressed and of course looking ever so dapper for pictures. We made it just in time; we arrived with 3 minutes to spare. On my way out the door i grabbed some snacks and juice pops so our tummies wouldn't get the better of us during our morning adventure. When we arrived kids were running all over the place and parents were standing in long lines to get their individual childs photo taken. I stood in line patiently and watched with a smile on my face. I watched my boys laughing and playing "tag your it" as we waited in line. I ordered lots of pictures and I can't wait to display them on my wall. I am one proud mama. We finished the pictures just in time to make it to Ethans baseball game that started at 11:00a.m. I do have to mention as i was placing my order at the picture table this very rude baseball dad butted in front of me and gave me attitude. The cashier realized i had been first in line and turned her attention toward me as the next customer. This dad proceeded to throw down his pictures and huff and puff. I politely told the very patient old lady to attend him so we can get rid of him. This baseball dad woke up on the losing end of the game. His child saw how he behaved and i know one day if he is not taught differently he will sadly behave in the same manor as his father did. Ethan did a great job at his game today. He scored a running point and decided to run the bases while his team was in the outfield. He made it around twice when his coach tending to other matters noticed and sent him back to second base. It was a very cute site though. Just like last week -a train passed by capturing all their little attentions and the game was at a stand still till it passed. We celebrated a great day with a wonderful Arbys outdoor meal. The boys ate lots of curly fries and drank down all their sprite before their chicken sandwiches were consumed.
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Friday, April 06, 2007

The sound of crushing waves - The smell of the salty sea!

A little nap anyone!
This is how I feel when i am sitting in my new patio furniture.
Nothing like having a refreshing drink in hand and a comfortable place to sit.
I think this is as good as it gets!!!

The furniture is Black Resin so it can stand up to any weather. My cushions are a beautiful red and yellow color. I love the contrast between black, red and yellow. It yells Warm- Inviting- Comfortable. Vienna got a great nap in this morning as I sat next to her enjoying the sun. Samuel came and sat outside this morning with blanket in tow and asked for some morning breakfast outside. I wanted plenty of comfortable sitting room for family and friends that come to visit. I think i will have to start reading again. I think i will have to fill my table with Better Homes and Gardens and Southern Living. I think i will have to have tea party's with lots of cake and ice cream. I think i will have to sit under the stars with Rod Stewart playing in the back ground. I am so delighted i purchased this in the beginning of the summer. I can't wait till my honey gets home and we can sit together and let the children run a muck in the back yard. I would like to thank my neighbor for helping me carry my little slice of heaven home. Karen, my neighbor- is an angel. I started to share with her my vision early yesterday morning as we chatted in my yard. She was so excited for me. She said,"You can pile everything into my big trunk- can you be ready in 15 minutes." I am so thankful. With my car I wouldn't have been able to fit anything. Oh the coming of the summer heat was never so exciting.
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Daddy's happy birthday cake!

We had a wonderful day on Sam's Birthday. Our morning started out with a little car trouble that needed fixing.We lugged both cars and kids to Asheville to my mom's mechanic and what we thought would be a very expensive job turned out to be a bolt that needed to be changed and welded. My mom babysat the Kittys and Sam and I went for a tour around Asheville. He ate a wonderful Birthday lunch at Asiana( all you can eat Chinese) and we were able to engage in adult conversation that didn't include trains or spiderman. We strolled around shops hand in hand and drank lots of coffee. We had a lot of fun dinking around with a lot of gadgets at Best buy and Circuit city. We both fell in love with the touch screen computer from HP. I think i love the title best : Kitchen companion. It was every women's dream. I ordered all of Sam's birthday presents on the Internet and received them the day after he left for work. So when he comes home we will have to have Birthday party all over again.
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