Alexander Kai Campbell (Xander)
This is our beautiful brand new baby boy!!Alexander Kai was born August 22, 2008 at 1:48 am. He weighed 8 1/2 lbs and was 22 inches long. We had a home birth ( Xander and it was the most beautiful experience we have ever had. The Lord blessed me with a 3 hour labor and the best support team in the world. Thank you HONEY! Thank you for rubbing my back when i desperately needed it and for cooking many a dinner when the last thing i wanted to see was food. Thank you my love for taking this amazing journey with me and always looking forward. Thank you my love for being the best husband and father in the world. I would also like to thank my mom and sisters for helping me in so many ways when my day to day tasks were far from reach.
My little guy has skin as soft as melted butter and amazing silky black hair. I love to run my fingers through his hair while he nurses. His long fingers always clutch my shirt when i burp him or hold him tight. I love when he is fast asleep and i notice him smiling about his dreams. What could such a little guy be dreaming about i wonder.Every so often i catch him with his thumb trying to make way to his mouth. A few times he has succeeded and that site leaves me speechless. Xander is smothered with love by his sibling probably every second of the day and his plump cheeks are constantly receiving nice big wet ones. Sometimes he looks at me as though he understands everything i am saying. I know that when he gets older that will definitely change. Bath time relaxes him and if he could sleep in the bath i have no doubt he would. He unwilling shares his Binky with Vienna who playfully snatches it from him when he is in his bassinet sleeping. I love this part of life. I have the best job on earth caring for, teaching, loving, and showing Gods unconditional love to my children. I am amazed at how much i learn in turn from my children everyday. Xander, We love you!