Go Baby Go
I set her down on the floor and now there is no turning back. As a result of her new found freedom- she tolerates her bouncy for shorter periods of time. She presses her face up to the playpen and smashes her nose against the mesh. She then screams bloody murder till i pick her up (you all know what i am going to say next). When I pick her up she smiles and soon her little tears fade and her nose goes from pink to white again. She coos and gurgles as if to say mommy this is where i belong - attached to your hip( I do love it). Although, I sadly have to speed through my showers and bathroom brakes. Samuel and Ethan went through the same phase, but they were a little older. When she takes a nap she would prefer to sleep on my shoulder -of course. She senses immediately when i set her down and her little eyes open wide and she starts crying again till i rescue her from her misery. I feel like the one armed woman. I have learned to do just about anything with my ONE arm. I can make sandwiches, do laundry, dress the boys, and fix my coffee ( grandma if you are reading this i am very careful not to let her get near the coffee) etc. I gave the boys room a great cleaning today and alternated their toys. They felt like it was Christmas time. Although- Ethan did hold onto his precious Thomas train so he would not end up in the toy pile scheduled to come out in one months time. After i dropped Ethan off at camp this morning i came home and plopped on my couch. I turned on the TV and watched "The Aviator." No, not the one with Leonardo DiCaprio, but the movie with Christopher Reeves. It was and older movie filmed in 1985. The acting was horrible. There was one scene where he gets attacked by wolves where i thought for sure he would rip off his shirt and turn into superman. I don't know how the movie ended. This being, simply because, the laundry beckoned, Samuel wanted to play the Wii and Ethan had to be picked up from camp. One thing is for sure, Christopher Reeve- will always be remembered as superman. In every movie he played in I can only see superman. I forgot to mention there is one exception- Somewhere in time. Its very late so i am going to get to bed. I have my coffee set on delay brew ready to greet me at 7:00 am. My mom will be coming by early with Rina after they drop off Micah and Gipa at the airport. They will be gone for 10 ten days on a mission trip to Ghana so please keep them in your prayers. My brother is taking his guitar and heading up the music for the trip. He has been practicing everyday and learning new songs that he can teach to others. Please also keep my little sisters in your prayers. My sister Andrea is on a mission trip to the Ukraine and Natalie is helping build homes with her church in Mississippi. I remember when i went on my mission trip to the Ukraine. It was one of the best experiences i have ever had. We shared Christ and held wonderful bible camps for kids. I look back and remember wanting to bring every single kid home with me. We are so fortunate and blessed.
That picture of Vienna looks like her daddy at that age!
I think she looks like her daddy more and more eachday!!
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