Janell's Blog

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Hiding from the sun

Can you guess what this white stuff is? Let me tell you. I wish it was whip cream. I wish it was finger paint. I could have even settled for some hand cream, but i was not so lucky. The boys decided to play with the waterproof 50+ SUNSCREEN. The following day i was still trying to get the sunscreen out. This stuff sticks. I think it was so hard to get out because of the amount that Samuel put in Ethan's hair. I do have to say- these boys had a blast and i had fun taking pictures of them.

The other day i was strolling down the aisle at Wal-mart and I spotted something that caught my eye. Isn't that how it is with us women. When "that" little something catches our eye we run toward it like a shooting bullet. This was the just the case for me. I spotted the HOSE HOLDER i have always longed for. I will tell you, with the summer heat the hose is constantly out. Its impossible to wrap it up in a perfect circle all neat and tucked away. I think it stays like that for a few minutes before someone is tripping on it yet again. This might seem like a silly entry - but for those of you who are constantly tripping over your hose or untangling it from the hundreds of kinks it develops daily the SMART REEL IS FOR YOU. I love this thing. It winds up by itself using water pressure. Watering the plants and cleaning up has been much easier for me. I am sucker for things that make life easier. For example, we just purchased a garage door opener. Granted, I could have lived without one, but pulling into my garage when its pouring rain out with all the kids makes the purchase of it worth every penny. My grocery shopping experience is more delightful and I only have to walk a few steps to unload into the kitchen. I cleaned out the garage before the installation of the opener and what i found when i was cleaning was horrid. Apparently, my garage was a cozy place for little mice to call home. I only wish they were the cute little mice I saw on Ratatouille (great movie- i highly recommend it). I found two mountains of poop which i disposed of as quickly as possible. Then i proceeded to sanitize the concrete. I never thought i would look forward to sanitizing concrete, but i did it at least 3 times. The mouse traps are waiting to be set. I am just mustering enough will power to set them and retrieve them when they are full. I bought the box killer so i don't even have to look at them. I get chills just thinking about it.

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