Janell's Blog

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Vienna and I woke up before the boys and decided to go downstairs where it was a little warmer. I had left the air on all night and it was a chilly 67 degrees upstairs. I wrapped Vienna in my cuddly flannel bathrobe and she loved it. She always wakes up so happy. I poured myself some half calf and was ready to start the day. Shortly after the little pitter patter of feet headed down the stairs to join me for breakfast. The boys ate some pop cereal and chocolate milk. I gave Samuel his assignments for the day and left him prepared with sharpened pencils and lots of crayons. I decided to get on the treadmill since everyone was settled. Just two minutes into my walk on the treadmill -Vienna wants to feed- Ethan had scooted a chair to the freezer (to eat chocolate ice cream )and Samuel sneaked in a rescue hero under his shirt. He was involved in the battle for his pencil instead of his math assignment. I need to wake up earlier. I will never get my walking done during the day. It's far to difficult. My day was not the easiest. Ethan decided to use the bathroom in the car on the way to our swimming lesson (of course it was the one day i did not bring a change of clothes or wipes). Samuel didn't want to do school today and gave me a hard time with his assignments.When it came time for him to clean his room he pouted and pouted until he forced me to collect his game cube and hide it in a secret spot. Well nothing will ever be perfect, but God gives us the patience and direction we need to make it through the day. The best part of my day was when Ethan and Samuel decided to help me unload the car after our Wal-mart adventure. They used their little tike grocery cart to help me unload the trunk. They did such a great job. Although the milk in now leaking and the ketchup bottle broke open after being dropped twice. I know that in their little hearts they wanted to be the best helpers ever.
Vienna formed her first tantrum today. She did not want to go in her car seat. She cried the whole way home. The minute i got her out of the car seat she smiled at me and gave me a loving coo. She is spoiled and wants to be carried at all hours of the day. I am at fault for this behavior because i have her in tow 24 hours a day. She lives on my shoulder and not in the play pen. I can't stand to hear her little cry it breaks my heart. So if she wants to be carried -i give in. I have to enjoy this stage while it lasts.
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