Janell's Blog

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Campbell Family Update

I have neglected my postings, but I have to admit it was not my fault. My boys love to play on the computer every chance they get. They just recently disabled our font adjustments and up until now I have not been able to fix it. Samuel and Ethan managed to download the Weather Channel doppler update in a matter of seconds. How that happened I have no idea ( clicking way i guess). We have been banned the boys from entering the computer room unless mommy or daddy are present (will see how long this lasts). I am writing on a font size of about 18 and it is so frustrating.
Sam has posted a website for all his umpire pictures so if you want to take a look go to www.umpirepictures.blogspot.com. The kids and I ran around the stadium trying to get cool shots from different angles. We truly had a wonderful time. The expierence was topped off with a Game ball samuel found andof course authentic stadium hotdogs and fries. Sam looked unbelievable out there. Samuel and Ethan yelled praises for their daddy the whole night. During one inning Sam turned around and waved back to the boys. The look on their faces was priceless.
Just yesterday I had some spotting and cramping so I decided to call the doctor. He suggested I come in so he could listen to the heartbeat and make sure everything is okay. We didn't hear a heartbeat so he sent me to get an ultrasound in which case we found out that baby is looking great. Although, I have been put on a moderate bed rest just to make sure nothing happens. As everyone knows this is very difficult for me since I am always up and about chasing two boys and keeping up with daily chores and mostly because a part of me hates sitting down for too long a period. Sam made us a wonderful dinner of ground beef steaks and garlic mashed potatoes. He has been such a great helper putting up with my many nauseating moments. This pregnancy is nothing like my other two. This one has hit me very hard and I am feeling very gross all the time. I know that better times await me.
Samuel just finished his Discovery camp at church and had a wonderful time. We are anxiously awaiting his singing extravaganza on Sunday in which we will be having lots of ice cream afterwards and taking lots of pictures. The last few weeks have been devastatingly hot. We are thankful we have a fixed air conditioner to get through this hot tiempo.


Blogger greenemama said...

praying for you and baby . . . maybe extra nausea means the baby is a girl! :)

Thursday, July 20, 2006 at 7:47:00 PM EST  

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