Ahh the sweet smell of coffee!!
This morning I woke up to the sweet smell of coffee. I have not had a more delightful awakening in a long while. I set my coffee maker on delayed brew the night before. The sent of hazelnut mocha traveled up the flight of stairs around the corner and swept into my bedroom -stimulating my nostril's in a pleasant good morning song. I must do this every morning. I felt so happy. I strolled down the stairs with such delight. I was actually excited to get out of bed and face the day. What is it with coffee. The smell of it just says," rise and shine get out of bed you sleepy head." Yes this is how I feel. The grinds i used were from Hawaii (Kona) and for my little taste of paradise i paid 7.99 but it was worth it. www.mauicoffeecompany.net
I found my Kona coffee at Old World Market, but one can easily order it online. I mixed the coffee with just a little bit of evaporated milk and the day has begun.
I made cinnamon rolls for the boys this morning and they were so delighted. They managed to clean the baking sheet of any cinnamon bun trace. Samuel after finishing his frenzy asked me for some cereal. I told him to wait a few minutes. The truth is, i was giving his brain time to register he had eaten. Of course, ten minutes later he forgot. The boys woke up this morning with watery eyes and noses.
I hope this is all it is. As i venture out of my home for some milk later i will need to pick up vitamins for them. Ethan received 3 shots at the doctors office on Tuesday and what a trooper was he. He did not cry or shed one tear he looked at the doctor with a half smile. I would have cried. I have to ask my mom if i did cry. He left the doctors office with 5 lollipops and two stickers.
I am excited about the spring. I strolled down my street yesterday with little ones in tow. My neighbors pushing mowers - planting flowers and trimming corners. I am so excited to get in and get dirty.
I love yard work and this year i plan on going all out. I decided since i can plant but can't upkeep i am going to do a potted garden. I almost wrote a pot garden and that would have probably left you all wondering. Well i will make the trip to Lowe's and by all the supplies. Samuel told me today he is ready to help mom plant a garden. The weather is perfect!!
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